Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The Christmas spirit has failed to infiltrate my soul this holiday season.  I have a hunch that it has a lot to do with Retail

Engage rant....

Retail sucks.  There is nothing enjoyable about working the holiday season in retail.  People are rude, impatient, and ornery.  The list of things I WISH I could say to people without losing my job is a mile long.  I sure wish people would realize how much more difficult their shopping excursions would be without the 'People of Retail'.  We are saints really, going above and beyond, throwing on a fake smile and speaking in a cliched 'happy' voice all to try and make their shopping experience more enjoyable.  NEWSFLASH:  IT WOULD BE MORE ENJOYABLE IF YOU WOULD CHEER THE EFF UP!
Calgon, Take me to WhoVille :)

Ok, I'm done :)

Anyways, I'm still not done with finals and I have one more day of work, equating to no Christmas spirit.  I have tried listening to Christmas tunes on the radio and it makes me want to vomit (but I do enjoy the tree being lit up and my Christmas candles), and present wrapping was dreadful, and the shopping was nothing short of annoying.  I'm hoping for some real magic at about 12 noon on Thursday...

I have been slacking on my 25 Days of Things I Love and I have had a lot on my mind and a lot to write about, so I'm hoping this short, imageless post will renew my motivation to study.

Days 7-20

Home is where the heart is <3 and creating a home is even better

I love logic- emotion is messy (pardon my rant above)



My Birthday

Family time


The future

Those black and white keys (I need to clean off the dust)

New life and experienced life- so much to learn



My new couch

Midnight walks with my Boy and Pooch

I have much more to write about, but its not as pressing.  Thursday if you're lucky ;)

Merry Christmas!  (see, I'm trying)

Monday, December 5, 2011

25 Days of Things I Love

 Days 1-6

I love being crafty

Baking (S'mores bars.... oh man) 

Silly Doggies

Front wheel drive (although I will miss the "Charge!" attitude of my ol' Tank)

The 'real life snow-globe' atmosphere

The smell of Christmas (thank goodness it has been captured in a candle)

Stay tuned....