Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Stream of.....

I guess we'll call it consciousness... this post is so random I hope your head doesn't spin... Here we go

oh- a quick disclaimer: you are about to encounter {necessary} foul language....

I woke up not feeling much, went for a run, got ready for class.  Stopped at the bank on my way to school and thats when it all began... First, NONE of the three drive-up ATMs were working... seriously... so I was forced to go in (which I hate, due to slow tellers and long lines) and as I was walking in, a creepy-ass old man was coming out, gave me a once-over (mind you I was wearing jeans and a fleece- no skin showing) and he said "Time to get out your bathing suit".... WTFuck... at that point I was all fired up from the ATMs and this just about tipped me over the edge, people need to keep their mouths shut (he's lucky pepper spray was in the car)... then I waited a horribly long time in line.... THEN as I was trying to just leave, there was a cluster-fuck of cars- I wish I had a picture or could draw you a diagram... So I made the first move and got the hell out of dodge.... In a matter of 10-15 minutes, shit nearly hit the fan....The Sara-tude was in full force and I was in a MOOD!

I'm laughing at this now... thankfully.

Had some much needed mommy time tonight, it was short but beautiful.  She can always make me happy, so much so that I was nearly giddy and bouncy on my drive home... which started me thinking about streams of consciousness... wouldn't it be neat to tune-in to a live feed of people's thoughts?  Then I thought, 'Oh hey I haven't written a post lately, I'll write about this....".  Soon after "You Get What You Give" by the New Radicals started playing on the radio, which brought me back to the summer we got our most recent boat... Dad thought Dreamer was a good name for it (I didn't think the name was 'sea worthy' first)... but now I get it... It means something different for each of us- for me, especially lately, always keep dreamin' those dreams and making them happen.  Dreams of summer and Dreamer have kept me sane lately...'We've got the Dreamer's disease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There you have it... a Stream of Consciousness...

See ya later Alligators