Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Well, well, well

I'm Sorry.

I've been gone too long from something I enjoy far too much. I'm hoping that is all about to change. This space is about to become a whole lot more!

I have plans for an exciting series of writings done in an unconventional way and uploaded here for your viewing. More to come on that....

I made a poor choice today. I was walking down Cass Ave, in Detroit into my last day of classes, for my last winter semester EVER. I noticed a wallet on the ground- I didn't pick it up. My thought process went like this (in the worst way):

Me: Oh someone else will pick it up (no shit someone else will pick it up- THIS IS DETROIT!), or maybe the owner will retrace his steps, and plus I don't have time to take it all the way to the police station right now and I don't see any cops around.

Really dumb moment and I'm not proud... In my hands it would have eventually made it to the police station even if it wasn't until later, and now might never be returned to it's owner and create annoyances for the poor soul who lost it- hindsight is 20/20.

My kindness and honesty fell short today. "I don't have enough time", stupid really. You have to make time. Carve out the time to do good for others and to do good things for yourself too.

So, I'm sorry- to you for not writing as often and to the poor man who dropped his wallet in Detroit for not picking it up. My life is changing in a big way, and I'm determined to create things for the good; in my everyday experiences and my creative work.

I don't know who reads this (besides family), but I am grateful that you do. I logged on today and noticed a spike in the ratings- like a big one. So thank you. Truly. I won't be gone so long ever again.

I'm hoping my next post will be the beginning of a series for you!

Toodles and peace ~

Ps- any comments on the new look? I did that around Christmas (with an idea to switch hosts) but now I'm not sure I'm feeling it- give me yo feedback!