Monday, January 6, 2014

A New Year

I love December 31st.  It is exciting to think about the new year and the new beginnings.  Doing things for the last time "this year" and anticipating all of the new experiences in the coming 365 days.  New Years Eve and Day are probably my favorite holidays for that reason.  I always find myself dreaming of lavish parties and being with friends and the kiss at midnight.  The last few years on New Years Eve have not been all that exciting unfortunately.  I had thought of making plans this year and decided to just let it be and see what happens.  Let me tell you, it was the most romantic and perfect New Years Eve I have ever had.  We stayed in, just the two of us, listened to music and just talked and enjoyed each others company.  It was so fun.  No TV, just us, and the pup.  We talked about the future and the things we want in life.  It was so beautiful, more than I could have hoped for.  We watched the ball drop, kissed, and pretty much fell into champagne comas.

2013 was a pretty great year when I stop and reflect.  I finally graduated with my BFA and landed a pretty incredible job.  It isn't something I ever saw myself doing, but there is so much opportunity and I am so thankful everyday.  There were rough points in 2013 as well, but that's what makes life interesting- that is how you grow.  I realized a lot about love in 2013.  Love isn't about receiving or what the other person can do for you.  Love is to be given- but only once you love yourself first.  I realized that I loved someone so much that I would do anything for them, even after thinking that I needed to move on.  Relationships are hard, they aren't always pretty and perfect- shit gets real eventually and the honeymoon is over.  But it is so worth it when you get the feeling and know the feeling is real that this person is The One.

So, I'm sitting here having a work at home/snow day, thinking about all the things I want to do with my life.  All the things I want to experience and try.  The art studio I hope to have someday.  Filled with every imaginable tool and supplies to create what ever I feel inspired to make.  I love finding people who are already doing this and seeing them living their dream.  Creating with their own hands goods that are so heavily manufactured today.  It is such a beautiful thing to be able to create and live from those creations.

I don't have a resolution this year- not a set one anyway.  2014 is not going to be about "things" or looking better, or how much money I can make.  I already have more than I could ever need, I could probably use to simplify even more.  I plan to make time for the things I love to do and the people I love to be with.  It's all about the time together and the experiences had this year.  Can you imagine life if no one worried about what they had or didn't have?  If no one worried about money or allowed conflict to control their thoughts and emotions?  Peace would be everywhere.  This year I am going to live with what I have and make do.  No more wanting and wishing for things that I think will make my life better.  I have everything I need, within me and around me- I really do.

My dad threw a question my way the other day as we were hanging up the phone -- What if this is Heaven?  My answer was- Then this is as good as it gets and we all better start enjoying it!

Peace Friends, and Happy New Year!