Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Musings of a little green book

I finished a small notebook today.  I use one every day.  I make a daily to do list and then fill the pages with whatever else is needed to get me through the day.  Affirmations, doodles, hand-lettering, quotes, shopping lists, etc.  I've used up a lot of pens with these little books.  I thought it would be fun to share some of the things I have written down- especially the things I don't want to forget.

The date on the first page of this book is 1-19-2015 (not a very big book)

Why are Tuesdays so hard?  I'm always feeling down about my life... I AM HAPPY!! I AM!  Because I choose to be – there is no other way!  We are taught to believe that things/people/jobs will make us happy... Nothing can make you happy.  All those things are just excuses why or why not to be happy.  Happy is a state of mind, not a tangible thing.  It is a choice.  No excuses.

snow, snow, snow

have I told you how awful this is?  Why can't I do what I want? I hate sitting here!


just keep going ––>

I feel pretty annoyed... but complaining won't get me anywhere!  Suck it up and deal with it, or do something about it.


need to write,
need to bleed,
need to breathe.
– repeat –

the warmth of the waves
fills my soul
the ebb & flow, near and far
living life in hopes & dreams
ignoring reality – it's not real
i live in a sea of my hopes and dreams
the desire to go... to feel, to be.

"little by little one travels far" – J.R.R. Tolkein

"writing is a way of talking without being interrupted" – Jules Renard

 LOVE always

I need to believe that what I'm doing matters – and it will.

happy LIVING

make a lovely life

I keep writing happy things with hopes that i'll believe it


Get comfortable being uncomfortable!

{I love you little, I love you big...}


hurry up time...i gotta go
i want to go
sitting here, tasks complete,
mind blank.
other things i'd rather do, 
make, create, write
refresh, refresh, refresh
clicking in hopes of something new
nothing – nothing ever
mind numb, wandering deeper
into darkness
worthless, useless; words 
fill my thoughts
Be happy with nothing
boredom is hard, tiring,
I want more, i need more.


Sometimes I think you don't
understand me.
You've failed to know the deeper
parts of me.
Why go on?
The dreams I dream,
the compassion.
Wanderlust and exploration
How do I know I'm not settling?
If I fear I have, does that mean I did?
Treading harder, can't see
the shore.

Tuesday, snooze-day

I just want to sit with my dog and let life happen.
(I don't want to sit in an office chair my whole life)

I wish it was summer so I could sit outside with Izzy and enjoy the sun on my face


I need more hours in a Thursday :) More hours for me...

The wind in my sails
the flow of the ocean waves
give life to my soul

mood poem
7  } Syllables

Hello sunshine

I got this!

The waves
The tides of love

This is lame, longest day ever
I hate you
hurry up time...

Like the waves on the sea
your touch flows over me
the wind in the sails
your breath on my skin
the way your eyes twinkle
in the light,
like the sun sparkles on the water
you are my tide
wash over me

Hello sunshine, come into my life!

can't stop, won't stop

Hello honey

18 days

I love you

I'm getting good at this...

Let's make things

Wednesday (that means tomorrow's Thursday!)

"doubt is just success testing your spirit" – [WRDSMTH]

Own Out... Business is separate from myself.
-Adopt manners that work for business and not life. Owning out gives the confidence to demand and persist. 
Relentless = Results I want.
company is separate from me [makes "no" + rejection not so hard]
(my notes from an interview I read HERE

I just want to make all the pretty stuff

How do you make time pass?  You fill the page

Hello Lovely.

Bring yourself above. Choose Happy.

So there you have it!  A little over a month's worth of ramblings.  But let me tell you, these little words often save me.  Writing things helps to cement them in my mind and soul, making it easier to live them.  It is pretty fun to look back and read them all, to compile them like this (rather manic too ;) ).  Perhaps I'll keep it up.  Oh, and anything that isn't quoted is original by yours truly.  I've been trying my heart at poetry – it's cool.