Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Changing My Silent Moments

Happy New Year!

I am on a journey.

The other day I had a thought.  I think I was driving and had probably just been cut off, and instead of getting mad and thinking about it for the rest of the drive, I let it go and thought of this:

I often find myself sitting in silence and not using those silent moments for good.  Whether it is at work, during a pause in a conversation (which can be awkward, but it doesn't have to be), driving, etc.  What do you do with your thoughts in those moments?  I know it is so easy to allow complaints or negative thoughts to come in, or feel sorry for someone.  I do this- I don't necessarily say them out loud, but I sit around and wallow or re-hash old happenings.

I've become a believer in "putting it out there".  Putting my positive thoughts and hopes out into the universe to manifest into what it is they are supposed to become.  The saying "what goes around comes around" is REAL.  My thought is that if I am positively sending good things out, specific or not, that it will be received by those it's supposed to.

So I was thinking, what if I took those silent moments and deliberately thought positive thoughts.  Whether it's about the person I am with, sending them good energy and love in that moment.  Or positive thoughts to a situation that may not have been so positive when it was happening- changing the way I look at it and feel about it.  It was brought to my attention that often things or people that enter my life are a "mirror" and I know it is my choice how I learn from them, and of course, react.

I have been very aware and open to admitting to my negative and not so kind moments, it is the only way I am going to become the person I want to be.  And it is hard.  It is a practice, and requires diligence and constant awareness.  But it's pretty cool too.  I want all the good vibes, and I want them to come from me!

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought" -Buddha