Friday, August 26, 2016

Positive Dreams and Wedding Things

I'm totally a poet 👆🏽

So I felt like I needed to write this because I was so excited to have been given this sign, and maybe it will help someone else.

I received confirmation in the form of a dream last night that thinking positive thoughts and not making up stress really works.  I had a dream about our wedding ceremony- which is only two weeks away!

It was the most beautiful dream.  So much emotion and love- neither of us could get through our vows without tears.  Afterwards, everyone couldn't stop talking about the most amazing feeling and how great it was to be witness to so much love.

I can only hope our wedding day is like that! (I'm pretty sure it will be 😊)

You're probably thinking- wow, for real?  I'm so stressed out about my wedding, or man, I was stressed out two weeks before my wedding.  Is she just saying that, or is she really this zen about it?

Don't get me wrong- I've had my moments.  But guess what I've figured out- Wedding stress is a stereotype.  People/women think they have to be stressed out when they are planning/approaching their wedding.  There are so many of those memes and e-card things pointing out how stressful a wedding is, and yes they're funny, but I think they secretly get lost in our heads and end up become a reality. So many people have asked how I'm doing with everything and how the planning is going.  Guys, it's great.  Like really- I'm prepared, everything is pretty much ready and I've got a relaxing week up north on the boat ahead of me before the big day.

Here's the trick- No one or thing can make you stressed out.  You get to choose.  And this goes with anything in life- not just weddings.  Often times we/I create stress in my head for things that haven't even happened.  Isn't that what planning a wedding day is mostly about?  Creating and preparing for this perfect day/image and being damned if it doesn't go that way and worrying about it along the way?

Nope! This is supposed to be the best frikken day of your life so far.  Why ruin it and the process with stress and disappointment?

I have tried to be so purposefully positive with my thoughts and actions throughout this whole planning process.  It's really helped me in all areas of my life.  I've held onto the intention that it is not about what the day looks like, but what it feels like.  Anytime I start to feel anxious or start creating stress, I remind myself that it's about how the day feels and that those little cocktail napkins really don't matter.  And I say out loud, "Stop creating stress for things that haven't even happened yet".  If I don't stress about them now, then I won't stress about them when they do or don't happen because I won't be worried about how things are supposed to go.

I believe the positivity has shown through in other ways too- especially in those around us.

We are surrounded by so many people who love each other.  I knew these people loved each other before because they're married, or in committed relationships... But now I've really seen it.  The unconditional love and unwavering commitments to each other.  It's so beautiful.  And we are so blessed to have these examples as we enter into our own life long commitments of love and togetherness.   Friends, family, even the outward expression of love from people we barely know.  It has effected me and opened my eyes to the rawness and reality of what it means to spend the rest of your life with someone.  And I wouldn't choose anyone else to take this step with.  You don't realize how amazing marriage really is until it's about to become a reality.  Having a wedding and marriage is so much more than the flowers, dress, invitations, etc.  It's about community and family- about being surrounded by those who support your commitment; and together, declare it in front of God that they will be there to support you and guide you through the awesome and scary times, judgement free.

The outpouring of love and support that we have received from family and friends is unexplainable.  You never realize how many people truly have your back and are rooting for you.  The positive support and encouragement means more than anything.

Anyway, we are so excited for the next two weeks.  And totally cool as a couple cucumbers.  Nobody wants to be a bridezilla- stress is optional 😘

Lots of love-
Your favorite zen bride 😉✌🏽

PS- I think a lot of people realize these things after they're married and pass along the advice to future brides- but it totally helps if you realize this (on your own) before the wedding 👍🏽