Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I always have the right words in the moment for a great blog post.  By the time I have time to sit down and actually write it, it doesn't sound so great anymore.

I spent this past weekend with my dad, up north for one final weekend on the boat.  This weekend we have to pull it out for the winter.  We spent our time together talking about what we want to do and our dreams, and who we want to experience those dreams with.  It was good, healthy conversation that lead to immense amounts of wanderlust.  We both have the desire to take to the sea and just go.  But we both have things holding us here.  Mine?  School debt- I asked him if he thought being "forced" to live on a boat at sea would be a valid reason for debt forgiveness, as I would have no stable income.  If I told them it was really my only option… he laughed, but I was dead serious.

To leave this life and live a life of adventure sounds pretty good right now.  Go off the grid, figure out a way to be untraceable.  Sounds nice right?  The boat is named Dreamer for a reason.

Saturday, we spent most of the day on the water.  We only had wind for about an hour, so we mainly floated around.  It was hot, summer had finally showed up.  We chatted and schemed and told each other to stop convincing one another that just taking off and forgetting everything was such a good idea… even though it is.  We used the auto-pilot for a majority of the time, which left us both free to roam about the deck.

He was at the bow, and I at the stern.  Both lost in thought.  I'm pretty sure I was thinking of this post, composed of beautiful thoughts and words.  Loosing myself in the depth of the water, unable to see the bottom.

Perhaps we're never supposed to see the bottom.  It isn't up to us to determine what will be.  There is a bigger picture, determined by a bigger power.  These things in life, including the things I feel are holding me back, are happening for a reason.  This is my sequence and what will be, will be.

The waves were soft and the clouds wispy and light.  It was a perfect day to dream.

The dreams are what keep us afloat.

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