Thursday, April 19, 2012


Oh man, I've been stressed. It happens, same time, same place every damn semester.  The turmoil and upheaval in my mind from the millions of projects that need to be completed is overwhelming.

I went home yesterday to do a project of low-tech photography... I basically scanned a bunch of shit from various junk drawers around my Home (capital letter because it's the one and only- where the love of my mother resides). Forget the project, Home- sweet, sweet home. It's a healing place.  It gave me the much needed break my head needed. I mowed an acre of land (push-mower- no joke) just for the hell of it.  The vibrations of the mower and monotonous back and forth motion were what my mind and body needed. Monotony. Mindless. The last few days I had made so many lists, probably with hopes that the more lists, the more I would get done. No such luck. I mowed that lawn for two hours and let my mind go blank. My muscles ached and I'm pretty sure the mower weighed more than I do, but it worked. I needed to step away from the madness of all the projects and millions of things to be accomplished. It was time to realign 'my ducks'.

A few years back it came in the form of a rainbow.  It was perfect timing and the perfect sign that everything was going to be ok.  I'm sure I had been awake for more than 24 hours, and as I was driving home I called my momma crying (thank God she knows it's coming- like clockwork and knows what to do and say).  So overwhelmed and completely worn out. Everything I needed to do had magnified itself x20.  As I complained and cried about the millions of things to get done, it appeared. A sign, a peace of mind. The feeling that it's just you and the Big Guy- I knew he was focused on me and had sent it just for me. My head cleared and it all came together, a thousand weights had been lifted.

Sometimes all it takes is a little time away or a sign from above- whether it is the place that a simple and sophisticated rainbow takes you, or the daunting yet beautifully monotonous task of mowing the lawn. It works. Give thanks!

I've got my ducks back in a row and I'm feelin' groovy babies. Happy days ahead!

Monday, April 16, 2012

As the Wind Blows

Don't think for one minute I have abandoned you, I have had the worst writer's block of my life. Or, maybe the fact that my life has only consisted of school and work has made me a dull girl. There has been little room for adventures.

Let's rewind a bit...

Recently, I've had a very special anniversary. Sunday, Luke and I celebrated 3 years together- that's 1,098 days. On Saturday he took me to where we had our first date for dinner; Oh, it was so lovely! We celebrated with champagne and drinks and some very decadent cheesecake afterward (actually, we had it for breakfast the next morning- we were way too stuffed the night before). The time we get to spend together is so precious and special. He really means the world to me, I'm so lucky! Whether it's someone or something you love, be grateful that you know the feeling. Love is love, no matter what. Always show it more than you say it.

Aside from the mushy, lovey stuff (which I am totally a sucker for), I have started running again.  It feels so good to be getting back to what I used to look like and more importantly- felt like! I'm so glad to be addicted again! With every pound of the pavement, calculated breath, and pre-meditated step over cracks and uneven sidewalk, I'm one step closer to a better, healthier version of myself.

I've never been one for competition- I hated competing in track races in high school.  I get so nervous, I'm so weird that I even get nervous when it's just me running....... BUT, I have decided to overcome my fear.  In two weeks I am running my first 5k race. It is for a really great cause. I will be running alongside many other able-bodied humans for all the boys who can't because of Duchenne Muscular dystrophy. Let's hope I don't get to nervous... No competition right?
I am also excited to be running in the Color Run in Ann Arbor in July... Look it up. It's going to be a blast!

I'm sitting here watching the wind shake things up a bit, contemplating the day and all the projects that have failed (I have a plan B, but that is going to have to wait until tomorrow)- a bit overwhelmed by it all. The only comfort is tea and my book (other than running, I have been absolutely sure to make time for at least one thing I love and can do just for me- reading.).  I need to finished up the Hunger Games trilogy so I can start on Bloom; if you haven't heard of this one, check it out. No matter who you are or what your struggles are, your heart and soul are sure to be touched.

School is almost over, so I promise I will have more to write about. I have an amazing and adventurous summer planned! I hope to be back Friday with an adventure or two! Much love, xo

P.S. I have over 640 views, Thank you so much! Keep reading :)