Wednesday, August 19, 2015

We're Getting Married!

After 6 and a half years, Luke proposed!  It was so perfect and intimate, and the ring is Whoa!

So here's the story:

I knew he was in the process of designing a ring (with a local artist we found), but I didn't know when he was going to propose or what it was going to look like.  I could never make up my mind on a style, so he just took all the ideas he liked and the few criteria I had (delicate, not too big, and I didn't want it to stick up very high) and created the most amazing ring I have ever seen.  It is way more than I could have ever imagined, and so special because of the thought he put into it.

Admiring it, of course :)

I knew he was going to ask my dad for permission, hah but I only knew when it was happening because my dad asked me why Luke wanted to meet for breakfast Thursday morning at 7am before we went up north for the weekend (nothing like last minute).  Nothing is sacred in the Ruggles family… :)

So all day Thursday and Friday morning Luke was telling me that it wasn't going to happen this weekend because the ring didn't end up getting finished.  It wasn't ready.  I, of course, didn't believe him because I figured he was just trying to fake me out.  I'm only dumb sometimes :)  So Friday morning, I finally started to believe that it wasn't happening.  Fine with it, we went about our day.  We were in Elk Rapids for the weekend staying on the boat, and we needed beer and sandwiches for the beach.  So we started to drive to the grocery store to pick up the necessities and he pulled into the parking lot of the Dam Beach (our favorite spot).  I was like "what are you doing?" (but I knew),  "why do you keep messing with me"- and I think I said that over and over again before we got out of the car and as we walked down the pier.  I was near tears as we got out of the car (because, come on, I knew it was going to happen), but I held it in and went along with the "charade" :)

We walked down the pier and he started saying all the sweet things.  There were people on the pier so we walked down onto the sand, along the water to be alone.

And then he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife.  And of course, I said YES!  It was the perfect moment – just the two of us.

And then we went to the grocery store :)

So happy!  Celebrating that night at Pearls

So there you have it.  It was perfect and we are so grateful for all of the love and support we have received since last Friday.

E.R. sunflower fields the next day 

Now if I could just get my head to stop spinning from all these thoughts of wedding planning…More on that later ;)

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