Thursday, November 3, 2016

Cheers to the Best Day Ever

So married life is pretty great.  Not too many surprises after 7 years together- but it's like we've fallen in love all over again.  It's cloud nine.  In fact, it's probably better than the first time we fell in love. Call it the honeymoon phase, but I hope each new chapter in our lives brings this much happiness and joy.  

We got a preview of our photos and I can't stop looking at them with a giant smile on my face.  Like giddy to have them and relive the most amazing day of my life. ** Update: We finally got the original files to print, post, and plaster all over the house!**

I have been wanting to write a post to capture the day, but I'm not sure I can put it into words.  Words just won't do it justice.  Just like my words won't do most of the vendors we worked with justice- we are so appreciative to them all.  We couldn't have gotten luckier in being able to work with some of the best in Northern Michigan. But here it goes- before it becomes any less clear in my mind...

It was a day of magic and rain.  I woke excited and calm and ready.  There were a few hiccups, but it wouldn't have been OUR perfect day without them.  It rained and the wind was blowing snot.  The plan was to go to the Grand Traverse lighthouse for our first look before the ceremony.  I'll be honest, a quick thought crossed my mind and I almost decided not to do it.  But I said screw it, and off we went in the wind and rain.  We drove in separate cars and the rain subsided just as we arrived.  The wind did not however.  Luke was already waiting for me- I was standing on the side of the lighthouse sheltered from the wind, and I can say I almost didn't want to leave the safety of the large building blocking the wind, but I did and I nearly blew away.  But the look on his face- pure happiness, was all worth it.  We were wet and windblown by the time we left but I'm so glad we didn't pass up the amazing opportunity.  

We arrived early to the church, and from the first day we met our Pastor he told us that the wedding begins when the bride is ready (no matter what time it's really supposed to start).  Well guests hadn't even arrived yet and I was ready.  So excited to meet my groom at the altar and vow to forever.

I thought I would cry a lot more on this momentous day- I certainly cried a lot leading up to it.  All happy tears of course, and tears of joyful anticipation.  A few frustrated tears- but not as many as some experience I'm sure ;)

As I walked down the aisle, in a hurry- my dad had to remind me to slow down (according to the pictures, I should have reminded him to smile), I started to choke up- like really big tears, amazed by all the people there to be witness to our love and commitment.  All people who have loved us before we even knew each other.  I took a very deep breath (choked back the ugly crying) about half way down the aisle, and that was it.  All smiles from there on out.  Pure happiness and love.  The real thing.

Actually, that's a lie.  I cried like a baby when Luke danced with his mother- it was such a sweet moment.

There were two times I made the conscious decision to stop and take it all in.  To look at everyone who had come to be with us on our best day ever.  As I arrived at the altar with my groom, I turned out and took everyone in.  And as I sat at our sweetheart table at the reception, I felt an intense amount of happiness and calmness.  So peaceful and loved.  Everyone at their tables having a great time, it couldn't have been better.

We took several moments to just be together through out the big event, fortunate to have our amazing photographer capture them!

In all honesty- the day after was so hard; I think all of the emotions finally caught up to me.  I cried all day at the drop of a hat because I was so sad it was over, but totally, blissfully happy at the same time!  My grandma always told me, "don't be sad it's over, be glad it happened".  The day after was a serious letdown, but fortunately the sadness was mostly gone the following day.  Post-wedding blues is a REAL thing...

We didn't go on a honeymoon right away- it's all planned for February 2017, when it's stupid cold out.  But spending time together in our home, as husband and wife has been so wonderful. 

Together forever. For life.

Photography by Meg Paxton of Paxton Photography (We HIGHLY recommend her!)

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