Saturday, November 26, 2011

Always a day late...

and a dollar short....

It's been far too long.  Fall has come and gone (sort of- the weather is wacky here) and it is nearly Christmas!  I always seem to be at a loss for words.  But, I have been busy.  I've learned to crochet (pictures soon, I promise), been busy with school, survived black friday another year, attempted to conquer the daunting task of gift shopping, yelled at the TV every time a damned Target commercial comes on...

But, I am SO happy!

Thanksgiving was beautiful and delicious.  I found myself being truly thankful for more than just family and friends and my health and having all the things I want and need- the important things to be thankful for of course, yet slightly generic- or "this is what I say every year, along with everyone else at the table"

This year, I am grateful for Opportunity.  I have been given the opportunity to work hard and live life the way I want to.  I've had the opportunity to go to school and finally have found what I am passionate about.  And lastly, I am thankful for finding Love- it's extraordinary, and rare to find the real thing (and know you've found it).  I heard a beautiful thing the other day (at yoga- which is not for me, I quickly learned this as my joints screamed at me) and it really stuck with me.  Every moment is the ONLY moment.  Our lives are made up of moments, yet we often forget.  These precious moments turn into appointments, dates, time frames and meetings.  Once they're gone, there is no turning back- they're gone.  Many of us are so blessed, we often take things for granted.  It's not on purpose either, we are human we just forget sometimes.  Those times are the moments we lose opportunities to really appreciate what each little one has to offer.

Well I just wanted you to know I hadn't forgotten about you, this is all for now!

Check out the art section for food, art and crafty things I have time for occasionally :)

Looking forward to filling our house with Christmas...

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