Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Setting Up"

I'm calling it a Quarter-life crisis.....

My mind is so stuck on getting older and going from childhood to adulthood... Lots-a changes comin'.  I'm realizing all these things I want in life, but unfortunately they aren't realistic.  I want a life that doesn't revolve around just a job- I wish a career would magically fall into my lap (now that's something my life can revolve around).  I want a life that is simple and uninhibited.  I was thinking today about Barbies and a child's imagination.  I had the strong desire to play with little kids today.  I long for their naive outlook on life... they live in this sweet little bubble unaffected by reality.  Their creativity is so genuine and real.  If they think it and believe it- you bet it's gonna happen (even if its just in Barbie's dream house).  I wish my mind wasn't so plagued by reality and could return to the land of princesses and dragons.

I remember lugging my bins of Barbies and accessories from the basement to the front porch- once upon a time when summer wasn't filled with work and adult things.  I would spend hours on the porch just setting up a perfect world.  I never found myself actually "playing" in this perfect world, because by the time I was done setting it up, it was time for dinner or for friends to go home.  There were always promises to pick up where we left off the next day, but we always knew we would do it all over again and spend the day "setting up".

I don't think we realize it, but we spend a lot of our lives "setting up".  Our time is so fleeting and precious, yet we waste it and rush it away.  It blows my mind how many people are, in my eyes, rushing to get to the next step in life; whether it's marriage, babies, or other crazy things (and that's in no particular order...).  SLOW DOWN!  Did you happen to notice the leaves have changed colors yet again?  Or the ethereal clouds passing in front of the full moon at dusk?  It's all pretty amazing and will be gone before we know it.  No more "setting up", it's time to start "playing" this life and living the great fairy tale we've spent so much time thinking about.

It's been awhile... I have been lacking in ways to articulate the thoughts in my head.  The last few weeks have been lovely though.....

The leaves were falling all around us, so we stood there for awhile

Oh, it was grand!

Until we meet again.....


  1. :D I'm with you Sara <3

  2. Sara! So well said! Like you I stood still for a few minutes last weekend and watched a rainshower of leaves!! Oh it was grand!!!
    love, Julie
