Wednesday, August 14, 2013


**I never posted this but I should have... must have forgotten amidst the chaos**

Sometime back in May-June....

I know I keep making promises for some cooler posts- and they will come... you have to understand...

Monday.  Wake up at 6:30am. Drive downtown for class.  Play with clay from 8:30-2:30.  Drive home.  Go to class in Farmington at 6pm.  Try to learn until 8pm.  Eat (maybe).  Attempt homework- but usually crash into bed. Tuesday.  Wake up at 6:20am.  Get to work in Farmington by 8am. Work until 4pm. Fly home. Drive downtown for class.  Talk about talking from 5:30-8pm.  Drive home. Attempt home work again. Find food.  Go to bed.

Wednesday and Thursday reflect Monday and Tuesday... Friday is legit- only have to work until noon.

Needless to say there is little room for Luster- The exciting, less dull aspects have been put on the back burner for now.

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