Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I'm not even sure where to start.  Actually, this is the second time I've tried to start...

I was going to go with something about chaos, but I think I will just go with something light hearted

We pup-sat for 3 dogs last weekend.  So that made 4.  4 dogs and 2 humans- we were outnumbered and out of space.  It was pure chaos.  Izzy, Maddie, Wrigley, and Sadie.  Sadie is the oldest, so she didn't do much other than snore.  But little Wrigley- the youngest- had just had his balls chopped off.  Now the thinking behind such a procedure is obviously to prevent unwanted pregnancy and to calm him down. I swear they added and didn't subtract.  This dog has no shame- he was just as crazy (if not crazier) than before! And to add to the craziness, he was wearing a cone.  I have large, circular bruise outlines on the backs of my legs (haha).  We survived and everyone made it out alive- it's a good thing they are all cute and full of love :).  There certainly were hilarious moments and plenty of doggy breath to go around, but there were a few shitty (literally- from my own dog of course) moments too.

At one point, late into the night- or early in the morning, Izzy began to whine and cry and was jumping all over the bed.  I figured she had heard something outside and wanted to go after it... sorry dog, it's Sunday and before 9am.  Not happening.  Luke so kindly shut the bedroom door to lock the dogs out. Well...Sadie is old, as I mentioned before, and she snores A LOT.  She's like the old person that sits in a chair and is out cold in a matter of minutes.  So, Luke and I are laying there, now wide awake, and we hear this soft snoring sound from the other side of the bed.  We forgot one.  We both were laughing, early morning daze accentuated by long days of watching dogs just go, go, go (it can be quite tiring).

None the less, we weren't laughing in the morning.  I woke up to shit... every where.  There was no animal in the night, but an upset stomach which belonged to a pup merely trying to do the right thing- and we ignored her.

So I guess we learned our lesson.  Sadie is here on an extended stay (the rest went home), so I attempted to take both dogs for a walk tonight.  It was very unbalanced, one tugging forward and the other lagging behind.  I couldn't help but laugh and be grossed out by the full poo-bag that happily bounced along, dangling from my hand, hitting my wrist occasionally- at least some'thing' was having a good time.

Anyway, that's been our excitement around here.  Along with full-time employment!! Woohoo!  I'm still trying to figure out how to balance everything, so excuse me while I do.  Once I figure all that out, I will be back (unless something really funny happens before then!).

As always, thanks for reading!

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