Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Tears.  You can feel them build in your throat and move upwards.  They get to the back of your eyes, and slowly creep around to the front.  But then, sometimes, they just rest there... unsure of their next move.  Balancing on the edge of your eye lids and then your lashes.  The relief of them gliding down your cheek- even if it's just a few.  A pressure so strong if forced back in- but sometimes it is necessary.

I had a dream the other night that I was running from home to the Mackinaw bridge- that is far, I have a hard time making past 2 miles.... But I was meeting all these interesting people and I was getting close.  In the dream it wasn't about the miles though, because people kept telling me I had only gone a short distance but that I was almost there, and I knew I was almost there because the route I was taking was lucid.  I knew where I was and where I needed to be.  Unfortunately, my alarm woke me up as I got near Traverse City, so I don't know if I ever made it.

I would have made it- I'm going to make it.  This dream wasn't about following my dreams-  I think it was more about making choices to keep going- but to keep going for ME.  Make the changes to allow myself to keep going and to then go after my dreams and what I deserve.  It was all about choices.  I could have chosen to stop or walk, but I kept running when it was hard- and the people encouraged me to keep going.  You never get stronger if you give up or take the easy way out, the comfortable way...

I've made my decision.  To keep going...

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