Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Little Kindness Goes A Long Way

Growing up, my mother always said to kill with kindness.  This is no easy task.  Sometimes it is so much easier to be grumpy and angry.  

When someone treats you poorly or a situation doesn't go as planned, it can be so easy to reciprocate with the same attitude or tone.  But is it really worth the energy and stress of getting mad?  Kill them with kindness instead.  Think of what this could do to our interactions with those we know and love.  Even bigger, our interactions with strangers.  We live in such a fearful and negative society.  I truly believe that the world can change if we change the way we interact with and treat people, regardless of the situation.  We need to show more compassion and care for each other, because nobody truly knows another persons current situation. 

I think about this all the time when I am in the car.  How do you think auto accidents happen?  People are so wrapped up in themselves and where they need to be that they forget there are other people around them, or get mad when someone is in their way.  This applies to situations a lot bigger than just driving...we go through life focusing on annoyances and being self-absorbed, instead of being understanding. We have to start viewing situations differently. 

I used to think that "forcing" yourself to be kind and happy towards people when you really didn't feel like it was fake and insincere. That's not what it's about though... Sure we all have bad days, but in order to turn those bad days around we have to choose to find the good and be happy.  Choosing to be happy and kind towards others is a lot more rewarding, and before you know it you'll find yourself happy all the time, and the kindness will spread.  Think of how our worlds would change if we stopped approaching "inconvenient" situations with anger, and started dealing with them with a caring and compassionate attitude...

Happiness and kindness really are easier. 

I can only hope that this doesn't sound preachy. That it will reach at least one person and help to change their perspective. 


I often find myself wanting to write here but don't feel that what I have to say will provide a lengthy enough post.  

I am going to start a series of "Small Thoughts".  These posts will consist of insights, ideas, or thought provoking questions by me... I usually think of these things in the shower or on my morning/evening commute--the most inconvenient times to write something down, of course.  Please feel free to leave your comments and opinions on the matters.  Who knows- it might inspire a longer post!

1 comment:

  1. You are right on, Sara - happiness is a CHOICE Others cannot "make us happy", they can just, perhaps, enhance the happiness we choose for ourselves.
