Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Making Excuses

Awhile back I convinced myself that I no longer liked running. I have run on and off my entire life.  Never been much for competitive running or races, just running for myself.  Always seemed like the easiest way for me to stay in shape.

But I had decided I didn't like running anymore.  That it was boring, too much work to get ready.  Oh, and the dog… I take her because otherwise I feel guilty- but she is a royal pain in the ass when she is on a leash (and we are trying, so very hard to break her… but its not working).  It's much easier to not go for a run.

All really, really good excuses why not to run.

But honestly, it only takes 5 minutes to get ready, and the dog is stuck in the house all day, so she needs some fun too (even if she is an idiot).  And yes, it is boring - even with music, because I choose to take the same route over and over again…

I need to change it up.  Being outside is really a lot better than staring at a wall and running on a treadmill (and paying gobs of money for a gym membership), or sitting on the couch staring at the tv.

I chose to suck it up and go for a run yesterday.  It was short, but I did it.  I made the effort to take time for myself before I went back to working for the evening.  And I didn't feel bad about it.  I am my own boss and it's ok to take time for myself before I do anything for anyone else.  Because what good am I to others if I'm no good to myself? 

I wrote this about a week ago and I haven't gone for a run since :) Maybe I'll go today 

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