Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It's unfortunate that I usually have my best thoughts while driving and showering... My mother always told me not to blog and drive or shower with electronics.  By the time I'm ready to sit down and compose- woosh, gone.  

Today was my first day of school for the year.  I hate the first day of school, everyone is awkward and quiet; and the worst is the whole 'first impression' thing (which is commonly false).  It takes me a while to get comfortable, ya know, to open up and be my silly, real self; and then it's the last day of class.  Just my luck.  

I love fall and all the changes that come with it.  Every year I reacquaint myself with the wonderful smells and sounds that accompany Autumn.  I love the warmth during the day with the hint of a cool breeze and watching the crunchy leaves dance in the streets.  It's what I like to call Comfort weather.  

(More pictures from now on, I promise :) )

I love the clouds too.  They change from white and wispy, to heavy and grey.  And the trees, well you know... Pure beauty.

On a side note, I have a lot of great things going for me right now.  I haven't counted, but I'm pretty sure they out-weigh the bad.  And who wants to waste their life worrying about money and other burdens anyways?  Embrace the good stuff, man!

Hey, it is almost Labor Day weekend- Have a good one! 


Today, I am thankful: that I am still small enough to rest my head on my mom's shoulder when I get a hug and that I am still small enough that I have to wrap my arms around my dad's waist when I want a hug. Hugs are way better that way...

Monday, August 29, 2011


Stress has been high lately.  I woke up Sunday with knots in my shoulders and worried.  I needed to pray and I needed others to pray too.  I haven't been very diligent the last few years about going to church- but I still have my faith.  I said a little prayer before getting up and texting my mom to ask her to pray too.  

And this is what happened...

My mom received the text while at church and she just happened to be sitting next to a family friend who is a lawyer; she handles the exact kind of lawsuits that I was preparing to deal with (creating all this stress).  They prayed together and asked for certain people to have a change of heart and for everything to work out.  Around the same time the prayers are being prayed, I'm getting text messages, and hearts are being changed.  It's the power of prayer, baby.  Next thing we know, we have people contacting us about the rooms we have for rent (another cause of stress).  As my mom and I were connecting our stories on my drive home from work, I had chills- How cool!  God works in amazing ways.

God is good and things are looking up.

I cleaned like a mad woman last night and have been running around all day preparing for school.  Off to shop for some Rubbermaid bins to further my organization binge.


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Over filled my gas tank today (apparently $.50 does make a difference).  Slightly afraid of blowing up from the gas that spewed everywhere, I ran inside to ask for paper towel; the guy gave me one piece- not going to do the job, buddy... So I laughed and was reminded of a time in the wee hours of the morning when Little Brother power-puked all over his room.  Mother yelled for help and Father came to the rescue with one square of toilet paper (this is not an understatement).

Anyways... (you will find that my mind works in similar fashion to the book If You Give A Mouse A Cookie....)

I've had a few things on my mind lately but I haven't been sure of how to write about them.  I love listening and learning from my grandparents. They have seen so much during their lifetime and have so much knowledge to share.  I can only hope that I know and experience as much as they have.  Tonight, my fabulous Grandmother hit the nail on the head- "When we judge someone, it doesn't define them; it defines us".  We are all guilty of gossip and casting judgement; I hate to say it- but it's human nature.  It is so difficult sometimes to 'treat others the way you would want to be treated'.  Wouldn't it be nice, if before saying something negative about someone or judging them, we put ourselves in their shoes and thought about what kind of impact our words were going to have and how you would feel?  This would be a different world if we 'thought backwards' and tried on some different shoes every now and then.

I know I often find myself wishing I wouldn't have said things behind someone's back, in fear that what if someday it was me that people were saying things about.  But it's always too late, I've already said it.  Sometimes it just spews out.  I'm going to try harder though, I really am.  No more of this "he said, she said" crap.  If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all!  Who's with me?

I hope this has been a valid rant.

"Keep your nose clean and don't steal any wooden nickels" (Thanks Gramps)

Sweet Dreams

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone" -Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Getting Started....

 After much contemplation and gathering insight from other's blogs, I have finally mustered enough courage to start my own.  I'll have to be honest, I have no clue what this will contain or expose.  My vision is for a lot of photos and ideas and thoughts!  I am constantly inspired by the creativity of others and motivated by the way people think about and do things.

I knew this would happen- Start a blog and lose my words.

I hope you'll find I have good things to say and share!