Thursday, August 25, 2011


Over filled my gas tank today (apparently $.50 does make a difference).  Slightly afraid of blowing up from the gas that spewed everywhere, I ran inside to ask for paper towel; the guy gave me one piece- not going to do the job, buddy... So I laughed and was reminded of a time in the wee hours of the morning when Little Brother power-puked all over his room.  Mother yelled for help and Father came to the rescue with one square of toilet paper (this is not an understatement).

Anyways... (you will find that my mind works in similar fashion to the book If You Give A Mouse A Cookie....)

I've had a few things on my mind lately but I haven't been sure of how to write about them.  I love listening and learning from my grandparents. They have seen so much during their lifetime and have so much knowledge to share.  I can only hope that I know and experience as much as they have.  Tonight, my fabulous Grandmother hit the nail on the head- "When we judge someone, it doesn't define them; it defines us".  We are all guilty of gossip and casting judgement; I hate to say it- but it's human nature.  It is so difficult sometimes to 'treat others the way you would want to be treated'.  Wouldn't it be nice, if before saying something negative about someone or judging them, we put ourselves in their shoes and thought about what kind of impact our words were going to have and how you would feel?  This would be a different world if we 'thought backwards' and tried on some different shoes every now and then.

I know I often find myself wishing I wouldn't have said things behind someone's back, in fear that what if someday it was me that people were saying things about.  But it's always too late, I've already said it.  Sometimes it just spews out.  I'm going to try harder though, I really am.  No more of this "he said, she said" crap.  If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all!  Who's with me?

I hope this has been a valid rant.

"Keep your nose clean and don't steal any wooden nickels" (Thanks Gramps)

Sweet Dreams

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone" -Audrey Hepburn

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