Monday, August 29, 2011


Stress has been high lately.  I woke up Sunday with knots in my shoulders and worried.  I needed to pray and I needed others to pray too.  I haven't been very diligent the last few years about going to church- but I still have my faith.  I said a little prayer before getting up and texting my mom to ask her to pray too.  

And this is what happened...

My mom received the text while at church and she just happened to be sitting next to a family friend who is a lawyer; she handles the exact kind of lawsuits that I was preparing to deal with (creating all this stress).  They prayed together and asked for certain people to have a change of heart and for everything to work out.  Around the same time the prayers are being prayed, I'm getting text messages, and hearts are being changed.  It's the power of prayer, baby.  Next thing we know, we have people contacting us about the rooms we have for rent (another cause of stress).  As my mom and I were connecting our stories on my drive home from work, I had chills- How cool!  God works in amazing ways.

God is good and things are looking up.

I cleaned like a mad woman last night and have been running around all day preparing for school.  Off to shop for some Rubbermaid bins to further my organization binge.


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