Friday, September 23, 2011


It's Friday again.....We have a love/hate relationship.  I am much more in love with the weekdays than I am with the weekends.  This week was simply amazing.  Monday I had to force myself into getting the week started, once it got going though- WOW!  It was just one thing after another!

Monday night I created something pretty neat-o.  Melted crayons baby.

Tuesday was good too... Learned how to develop film the old fashioned way (I guess film and old-fashioned go together like PB&J)!  I also sold the Volvo Tuesday.... It's gone!  Oh, and I got 100% on a quiz; and yes, after 17 years of school (that about knocked me out of my chair! Holy smokes Batman!) it's still just as exciting as the first one.

 Wednesday I woke to a puppy who thought the flash was too bright

Spent some quality time with my Pa in the evening, always cherished.  Thursday was busy, busy!  I'm pretty sure I went non-stop all day! I developed film and it was a day full of my wonderful grandparents.

(832, This is what happens....Obsessed)

So, let's talk a little about obsessions, or maybe addictions.  The ever changing Facebook sent people into a tailspin this week.  Even I am a little miffed with the changes, it has gotten a wee bit confusing- not to mention creepy (like "every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you..." creepy.  Thanks Sting).  Goes to show, I may have hit bottom.  My name is Sara and I am addicted to Facebook (1st step).  You would think that people might give up on an obsession or addiction once it gets so bad that it's no longer enjoyable... but then it wouldn't be a problem. 

I have to say though, Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with old friends (and new for that matter- really breaks the ice) and family since no one writes letters or calls people anymore (heaven for bid).  

Anyways- I don't even like Facebook anymore!  It has gotten much too complicated... but get ready kids- there is a new hot-shot in town.  Google+ is the new Facebook, just like Wine is the new Black.  It's open to the public and before we know it, poor little Facebook is going to take a backseat just like Myspace (or is it my____ now?) did about 5 years ago.  As one door of obsession closes another one opens!

Off to feed the social networking monster inside of me!


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