Monday, June 11, 2012


Lately, when I wake up, I have been going outside to sit and take in the morning. Smell all the "fresh day" smells, hear the birds, feel the warmth on my skin. Just what I need to wake up and start my day off right. It reminds me of waking up on the boat, climbing out of the cabin, feeling the dew on the deck and letting the sun wake me up.

I've been thinking and reminiscing about all the wonderful memories I got to make as a kid. We were so lucky to get to experience the places we did. Not many kids can say they sailed across a Great Lake, traveled around the North Channel for three weeks, camped with wild horses out East, climbed a mountain out west... some of my fondest memories.

Life can change in an instant- things break. But guess what, you can put that broken thing back together again. It may not look or feel the same and there might be some cracks, but you have this whole new beautiful adventure ahead and the cracks to let the memories seep out. That is one thing about growing up, everything changes in one way or another. Things are different. I am a true believer in how great those differences can be. All those memories are mine forever. I am so excited to begin to relive those memories and still have it be different and unique- new memories. New people, different scenarios, new point of view...

As I sat on the deck this morning, felt the cool breeze and sprinkles of rain on my skin, I thought about all the great memories I have. It's really neat to think about how each day you live holds at least one thing you will remember sometime in your life. Oh the stories!


Check this out...

I have a new Etsy shop- Peaceofmind23 (<<< Click that!!!!)

10% off to all my favorite blog readers for the entire month of June- use code PEACEOFMIND at checkout.

Colorado blog post coming soon! Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Your post made me get choked up - but in a good way!It brought to mind a verse by the great Leonard Cohen:

    Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering
    There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That's how the light gets in

    To me it means everything is flawed but through any flaw comes enlightenment.
