Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Puddles and Perspective

I wanted to write this yesterday when it was fresh in my mind but cooking dinner in the daylight is way more fun than doing it in the dark...

Took the dog for a run yesterday.  There were puddles everywhere, but the weather was beautiful.  Dodging puddles while trying not to trip over a dog is quite the task- I was starting to feel like one of those parkour athletes.  I wasn't even a block from home and my feet were already soaked and I had nearly slipped in mud...  It was then that I made the decision to stop avoiding the puddles.  We hit Every. Single. One.  It was fun.  My legs were soaked and the water felt so good between my toes.  I was never cold.  The sun was warm and the heat from my own body immediately warmed the water as it splashed all over.  I think I smiled the entire time.  I have been running without music lately- taking in the sights and sounds, and being more aware of myself and what is around me.  Allowing my breaths and the sound of my feet on the pavement to set the pace.

Yesterday was a glimpse of hope.  I observed a woman putting her trash and recycling out to the curb late in the afternoon.  As she was walking back to her house she stretched out her arms and breathed in the warm air and soaked up the sun.  I smiled at her as I ran by.  A stretch after a long, long winter.  I got a sense of love for life from this woman whom I have never seen before.  Remembering to stop and take a minute to savor and enjoy the beautiful day.  There is so much conflict and turmoil in the world today.  So much death and disease and heartache.  It is bringing the best out of people- the desire to live a full life is so much more obvious, more than I've ever noticed before.  It is so apparent in the way people express themselves, people are truly appreciating what they have and who they have.

There is this wonderful attitude that is taking hold.  More people loving one another and accepting/seeing the positive. 

Smile today and say hi to a stranger.  Spread the hope through happiness. (it's that easy)

Peace and love, friends.

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