Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Love Like Ours

This is a paragraph I wrote about a month ago.... For him.

"You are drafting in the office, and I am sitting here dreaming.  Dreaming of our future.  A little boy- your mini-me, running in, asking you to move your car so he and mommy can go draw with chalk.  This house, our love, and a miracle that we created.  I picture us in these very spots we are now, with the sweetest of children, imagination at it’s peak- showing us a whole world we had forgotten too soon.  More love than one can imagine.

I dream of all this with you.  I can’t imagine feeling more love than I do now, but I know... One day we will love someone else, created by us, so much- it will be something we’ve never felt.  And it will be amazing."

Today, April 15, 2014, we celebrate 5 years.  Thats 1,825 days and 43,800 minutes.

Love is hard.  5 years is a long time... He pointed out to me, that unfortunately most marriages don't last 5 years these days...We smiled at each other and kissed.

What we have is real.  Despite our differences and times of hardship, we have always returned to one another because of the love we share.  I know he loves and supports me and wants me to be my best and have the best.  And I want the same for him.

I don't have a ring on my finger yet and thats ok- despite the pressures.  "What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be" (I don't know who said that, so sorry.  But Kudos.) Why worry about what every one else is doing?  This is my life and I am so grateful for what I have right now- here, in the present.  And I am also genuinely happy for those who have the ring, the house, and the kid.  Good for you.  One should always chase their dreams.

I can't imagine spending the last 5 years with anyone else.  The love I feel for this man is so genuine and true.  We've had our ups and downs, but isn't that how it's supposed to be?  You can't run away from the difficulties.  Some say it's easier to stay with the one that is comfortable and familiar.  Especially when the unknown and single-life can be so scary... Well I say that staying with the one you love when times are tough is the true test of easy and courage.  Don't give up because things are rough... Give it all you've got and exhaust all your resources before you make the ultimate decision.

The ultimate decision should be love... regardless.

"In you, I've found the love of my life and my closest, truest friend"

Happy 5 years, to the one that stole my heart and showed me what real love means.

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