Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Struggles of Clean Eating

I have been trying really hard to eat clean lately.  And it's killing me.  The craving for a damn potato chip and chocolate is so real I feel like I could die.  It doesn't help that Thursdays at the office are bagel/donut day... shoot me.  So I'm sitting here and I can hear, smell, taste the chocolate frosted donut sitting in the break room- my name is all over it.  But I know I shouldn't... especially since my workout routine is slim to none right now.  Laziness wins every time.

It also doesn't help that I stupidly decided to buy groceries because I had a coupon... so now we have all this stuff that we haven't had in the house for weeks- aka junk food- merely because we "had a coupon".... dumb, dumb, dumb!

This whole saving money/not having any money is quite a struggle too... All I want to do is go shopping- believe it or not!  There are these amazing jeans at Madewell that I am dying to try on... I guess I can only hope they don't fit me right (fingers crossed)...

So while I lust over beautiful threads and decadent chocolate... Join me in drooling over this donut.....😉

They say misery loves company... 

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