Monday, July 28, 2014

Out of My League

Today I contacted a private jet company about getting a copy of their brochure- it was featured by the paper company they used (and one I really love) and I was really drawn to and inspired by it.  So I inquired about getting a copy for my viewing pleasure and to have as inspiration in my collection.

Within the hour of sending them a general message inquiry via their website, I was receiving emails and phone calls inquiring about my interest/need for private jets- Hah! I wish.  I kindly responded to the nice man that I was simply interested in his brochure and had no need for a private jet (or the ability to afford one).  I stated that I was just a designer inspired by their printed brochure.  Ensuring that I had no intention of wasting his time, I asked again to receive a copy.  He kindly replied that he was sending me a packet of various brochures that would hopefully satisfy what I was looking for.  And hey, you never know- I might actually have a need for a private jet someday, and you can bet I will utilize their services…. but I'm not holding my breath.

Needless to say, this really struck a chord with me today.  I have been working really hard at seeking out new opportunities and haven't gotten much response.  But I am pushing forward and continuing to ask for the advice and help of others.  If you never ask, you will never know.  Go big or go home… We are all capable of turning our dreams into reality- no matter how big or how small, and we are never not good enough to ask for what we want and desire.  The worse someone can say is "no", right (and that's pretty much the smallest word ever- next to "i" and "a")?  This was a good reminder to never give up or to think you are insufficient.  People will help you, and good things do happen to those who work hard and are patient.

Just some thoughts, Happy Monday.

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