Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Letter to My 16 Year Old Self

I began a writing challenge today (see the new section!). 30 days of writing, every day. I'm pretty excited, but filled with some anxieties as well.  I thought a lot about this letter before I started to write it, afraid of missing something important (because it's a big deal writing to your former self).  I forced myself to stop worrying and pick up the pen.

*A letter to my 16 (going on 17) year old self. I was a junior in high school.

Dear Sara,

Such a good kid, always playing by the rules. How's your first relationship going? It's been over a year since mom and dad got divorced. Look at how strong you've been through the whole thing! I want you to know that crying is not a sign of weakness. It's ok if you don't cry now, because you will eventually- A Lot! I know he doesn't say it much, but he still loves you and always will. Talk to him- your fears, questions, and anger matter.

I wish I could protect you and warn you from all of the things to come. But let me tell you what I've learned:

I know you're close to moving away to college, taking your first steps into adulthood....

On Love- Know the difference between love and lust- it will make all the difference, and I know you will figure it out quick. Love is not about receiving. It's about giving from your own "stash" of love that you have for yourself, and hoping it comes back around (and if it doesn't, well at least you love yourself first). If you always love yourself- truly and deeply- you can love another person. Follow your heart and use your intellect, and stick to your guns. Oh, and please don't sleep with too many people.

On Friendship- The friends you have now won't be the same ones you have in 10 years. Heartbreaking, right? Yea, a little. People come and go and you'll always have memories and good times. Hold onto those, they are worth all the time you spent making them. Even if the friendship fades, don't lose the memories. I know it will be hard, but please try not to let a guy come between you and your BFFs. If you do, just learn from the mistake and try to find a balance. Nurture the friendships you have at any given time in your life. There will be times where you feel friendless and alone – just remember someone else is feeling the same way. Reach out to people! And you always have your little brother, don't ever take him for granted (no matter how much he bugs you, it's just because he loves you).

On Money & Things- You don't need all the stuff you think you do. Trust me, you will spend the better part of your twenties trying to simplify. And when it comes to borrowing money for school, because that's what you're going to have to do, only take enough for tuition! Figure out the rest some other way.

On Career Choices- You are going to be great at whatever you do! Let me save you a few bucks and several years by letting you in on a secret – you want to be a creator and designer, a maker and writer. Don't worry about always feeling like you haven't made the right choice, you're a dreamer and your veins are filled with wanderlust. Be confident in your decisions and give it your all. Fill your time with meaningful doings and thoughts, and never give up.

On Life- Live for you, today! Money, marriage, kids, etc., don't bring happiness (and please don't do the latter two just because everyone else is...). You have to choose to be happy! No matter how dark the days seem, it's not as bad as you think. Despite what everyone tells you, I know you will do life your own way and live and learn. Mom and dad will cringe (hell, you'll probably look back and cringe too), but you will turn out ok. Better than ok.

I have a lot of respect for you dear 16 year old Sara. We've always had our head on pretty straight. I could write to you forever, but always remember:

Love yourself, choose happiness, be creative, and live a simple and honest life. And watch out for those boys :)

I love you to the moon and back,
Your Older Self

If you've never done an exercise like this, you should.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Small Thoughts 7: Life Resolutions

I'm not calling these "new year's resolutions"... I'm calling them Life resolutions.  Less pressure.

I wasn't going to post my goals for 2015 and beyond; but if I don't, then how will anyone ever know if I actually did them!?  Accountability, people (and self discipline - which should be a list of it's own).

The first check box is a book that was introduced to me by my dad that guides you in using your intellect to control your mind (emotions) and knowledge (in a nutshell- see, I need to read it again).  It's a quick read full of great methods of living your life Self-aware and controlling what has an impact.

My goal is to live more simply and to go through life with a kind and calm demeanor.  More patience on the road, and less swearing.

I wrote this back at the beginning of December.  I figured, why wait.  I am in a new role at work and it's good to start out strong and be able to stay strong.  I have already checked the regain confidence box, but it's always a work-in-progress.

Those quotes are good too.  Love the Ziggy Marley one.  So often we say "I love you" but it isn't backed by actions, or it just becomes an empty habit.  I had a hard time with this when I was younger.  The words provide the validation that we seek from those around us, but really we should be paying more attention to what we are doing and what others are showing us.

And da Vinci... well he was pretty much awesome.... so excuse me while I go happen to things.

I'll try to write more about the things on my list as I tackle them.  It's a win-win.  More blog posts for you to read, and I get to actually stick to some life resolutions.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Small Thoughts 6: Living in a Haze

I'm going to skip all the New Years stuff... I'd say the rest of you have covered it.  My goal is to live simple and be happy.  I'll figure it out as I go.

I haven't had coffee the past three days.  Last night I slept fast. Morning came too soon.  Either lack of coffee, or sleeping in my old bed due to Luke having a cold and snoring all night.  I'm not sure.  But today I can barely keep my eyes open.  I feel exhausted.  I took vitamins and a B complex to try and wake up.  But all I want to do is crawl back into bed.  I need to move, but there is nothing to do.  So here I sit.  I thought things were going to be different?  When will the pace pick up?

To me it seems boring - my everyday life.  But maybe it's my thoughts that will be interesting.  Like above- any interest? Or totally boring?  I guess those weren't really thoughts, but more of a sleepy stream of somewhat-consciousness.

I have every intention of eating clean and making it a habit, hence the no coffee... but last night's ranch, pasta concoction wasn't quite hitting the mark... huh.

Also, I think I'm done with the Facebook.  So if you want to keep reading these, ya better subscribe.  Or you can find me on Instagram @snuggs22.  I'll try to be more present there, more than I am on Facebook anyway.