Thursday, January 8, 2015

Small Thoughts 7: Life Resolutions

I'm not calling these "new year's resolutions"... I'm calling them Life resolutions.  Less pressure.

I wasn't going to post my goals for 2015 and beyond; but if I don't, then how will anyone ever know if I actually did them!?  Accountability, people (and self discipline - which should be a list of it's own).

The first check box is a book that was introduced to me by my dad that guides you in using your intellect to control your mind (emotions) and knowledge (in a nutshell- see, I need to read it again).  It's a quick read full of great methods of living your life Self-aware and controlling what has an impact.

My goal is to live more simply and to go through life with a kind and calm demeanor.  More patience on the road, and less swearing.

I wrote this back at the beginning of December.  I figured, why wait.  I am in a new role at work and it's good to start out strong and be able to stay strong.  I have already checked the regain confidence box, but it's always a work-in-progress.

Those quotes are good too.  Love the Ziggy Marley one.  So often we say "I love you" but it isn't backed by actions, or it just becomes an empty habit.  I had a hard time with this when I was younger.  The words provide the validation that we seek from those around us, but really we should be paying more attention to what we are doing and what others are showing us.

And da Vinci... well he was pretty much awesome.... so excuse me while I go happen to things.

I'll try to write more about the things on my list as I tackle them.  It's a win-win.  More blog posts for you to read, and I get to actually stick to some life resolutions.

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