Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Small Thoughts 6: Living in a Haze

I'm going to skip all the New Years stuff... I'd say the rest of you have covered it.  My goal is to live simple and be happy.  I'll figure it out as I go.

I haven't had coffee the past three days.  Last night I slept fast. Morning came too soon.  Either lack of coffee, or sleeping in my old bed due to Luke having a cold and snoring all night.  I'm not sure.  But today I can barely keep my eyes open.  I feel exhausted.  I took vitamins and a B complex to try and wake up.  But all I want to do is crawl back into bed.  I need to move, but there is nothing to do.  So here I sit.  I thought things were going to be different?  When will the pace pick up?

To me it seems boring - my everyday life.  But maybe it's my thoughts that will be interesting.  Like above- any interest? Or totally boring?  I guess those weren't really thoughts, but more of a sleepy stream of somewhat-consciousness.

I have every intention of eating clean and making it a habit, hence the no coffee... but last night's ranch, pasta concoction wasn't quite hitting the mark... huh.

Also, I think I'm done with the Facebook.  So if you want to keep reading these, ya better subscribe.  Or you can find me on Instagram @snuggs22.  I'll try to be more present there, more than I am on Facebook anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts/"sleepy stream of somewhat consciousness"! Usually a good way to discover what's in our heart! <3
