Monday, September 19, 2011

Crazy Life

A week ago, it rained so hard we raced paper boats down the river (aka our street).  It rained so hard the basement flooded.... And boy, that sure set the tone for my week!

It's pretty bad when the week days are more exciting than the weekends.  I have fallen back into this awful routine of school 4 days a week, and the other three are filled with work and then it starts all over again.  It's pretty gross.  The little things are so bittersweet- I always want them to last longer than there is time for.  They are few and far between, but the little things were good this week.

The rained prevented the planned sailing adventure my dad and I had anticipated on Wednesday.  Instead, we went out to dinner and he shared his knowledge of photography with me.  I always learn a lot when we are together.

Not a whole lot went on the rest of the week.  The days came and went- the weekend was a real bitch and I am SO glad it is over.  I have to say though, Saturday night was the silver lining.

The evening began with hot dogs and a calm breeze.  I was with my two favorite Guys and my favorite puppy, and I was pretty sure it couldn't get any better.  Oh, was I wrong!

We set our sails and before we knew it, the wind shifted 180 degrees and we were flying!  The waves picked up right along with the wind and we sailed long into the night.  Senses were heightened and the stars were "turned up" all the way.  We watched the sun set and the horizon turned to a dark silhouette.  It was so calming and beautiful.  Everything was put on hold and for those few hours, nothing mattered.  Work, school and all the other things were put on the back burner.  We were living in the moment and it was wonderful.

Sailing calms me completely, it renews my outlook on things and realigns my thinking for the week to come.  Sailing on a weekly basis is necessary for my soul.

Izzy loves a good sail (she even enjoys her life jacket!)

I love sharing the things I love with the people I love.  When you go sailing, you can't be worried about time.  The wind is in control- time is not relative to sailing.  My Guy is very schedule oriented- it's a good thing.  But getting him to go sailing is like pulling teeth because there is no schedule.  

He told me after our sail on Saturday that he is "becoming a sailor"....He has no clue what hearing that meant.  

There is lots to accomplish this week, trying to slip in as many "little things" as possible.

Have a good week and keep smiling!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blogs! Makes me realize how much I miss you!
