Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Right Direction

Everything happens for a reason, right?  I think so, but do you ever wonder what things would be like if you had done something different, stayed in a different place?  I look back and think of all the things that wouldn't have happened or all the people I wouldn't have met if I had chosen a different direction.  That darn "what if" gets the best of me sometimes.  

Remember that "these are the best years of your life!" speech?  So wrong, so very wrong.  So many things are changing!  It's not all rainbows and butterflies- that's for sure!  Friends are changing, people are starting their own lives- these are the years where you start to lose touch with people, believe it or not.  And it's freaking me out!  But, then I think about all the great things that are changing in my life too, and how happy I am with all these new and exciting adventures that are ahead of me.

Change- she can be a real bitch sometimes!  


Saturday was a glorious day sailing with my dad and a good friend.  The waves were rolling and the wind was blowing hard.  There was a squall watch... and the fear almost sent us back to the docks early...

Absolutely Marvelous, isn't it?

We kicked that fear overboard and stayed out longer.  That was the best decision we made all day.  There is nothing more peaceful than being out on the water, gliding across the lake as the sun beams from behind the building storm clouds- the calm before the storm in its true context.  We made it in to the docks just as the rain began- But that was only the beginning.

The ride home was unbelievable.  I have never, in my 23 years of life, experienced that kind of driving rain!  It was a 'stopped on the expressway because I couldn't see the car in front of me' kind of rain.  My adrenaline was pumping, my legs were shaking and all I could say was "Holy Cow" over and over.  It was more exciting and powerful than it was scary.  We watched the lightning shoot around the sky from the top of the bridge we were stuck on, and then it was dark.  The power went out.  It was one thing after another- we were caught in the thick of it and it was so awesome! Mother nature is one cool woman!

The rain has arrived, just as it does every fall.  The cool air is incredible, I refuse to close the windows just yet.  You can be sure as the sun rises and sets everyday that this good old Mitten will surprise us one last time with some hot, humid weather.

Busy weekend ahead of me, lots of work and school work.  Can't wait for Sunday Funday!  I'll have lots of pictures for you too!

Crackin' a beer and relaxing with my Loves, have a good weekend everyone!!


Izzy insisted on being included in this post- Her debut Photo. 
Happy Weekend- Woof, Woof!

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