Monday, October 6, 2014

Goodnight, Dreamer

Spent one last weekend in Northern Michigan for the end of our sailing season.  We made the annual trek back to North Port to have the boat hauled out and stored for the winter.

I look forward to it at the end of each season.  All four of us together.  Lots of work to be done, but we all get to be together and enjoy each others good company.

It's always cold when we sail across the bay this time of year.  This time the waves were 2-4 feet and the wind was blowing at 20 knots the whole way.  We ran a straight shot from Elk Rapids, on a broad reach.  Double reefed the main and flew the Solent sail (which is the most amazing sail in the world- wrap me in it when I die) for a smooth ride.  

We made it to North Port in record time.  Strolled up to our favorite restaurant for dinner and drinks once we arrived... oh, but only after we drove a million miles for a new heater.

We walked up to Lelu's (if you haven't been there you should go- it is well worth the drive up the peninsula) and were welcomed like family.  We spent the night eating, drinking, and sharing stories with old and new friends.

One of the topics of discussion was why people always come back to Northern Michigan, or why people are drawn there.  Several discussed the pull of the 45th parallel.  Others remarked on the atmosphere and different mindsets.  For me, traveling the 4 hours north seems to satisfy the wanderlust.  There is no other place on earth (in my opinion) that offers what Northern Michigan does.  Unbelievably blue fresh water, incredible landscapes, boating, camping; there really is something for every season and everyone.  The way the leaves change in the fall, and how the gray sky reflects on the water.  There is nothing like it.

I'll always go back.

Until next year, rest easy Dreamer.

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