Thursday, January 14, 2021

Postpartum- New Normal

Written 11-13-2019

Postpartum is no joke.  becoming a mother is not easy.  For centuries women have talked about how wonderful it is and how you will never know a love like this.  And that's true.  But let's be real- becoming a mother is the hardest and most life changing event you'll possibly ever go through as a woman (if you become a mom). I've heard so many times that the reason people don't talk about how hard it is, is because then people would never have babies. But we should talk about the hard stuff, the gross stuff, the great stuff, the sad stuff, the happy stuff.  I'm personally fascinated by the hush-hush side of pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum.  Like, give me all the gory details.  Because they aren't gory- they're beautiful and miraculous!

But the real point of this is more about the postpartum body and the pressure to return to a previous state.

I like to work out.  It feels good and i like to feel good.  Mentally, physically.  But my body is so different now after giving birth and making a human. My pregnancy was relatively easy and uncomplicated- aside from SPD which limited my exercise to minimal walking.  I gained about 40lbs and gave birth to a 9lb 5oz giant baby.  My body grew and grew and stretched and opened.  My hips will never be a size 4 again.  My skin is slowly shrinking back, but I don't expect it to ever be the same.  I have a nice layer of extra belly pudge that will maybe go away some day.

After I gave birth I was amazed at the way my body shrank and changed to a new normal.  The lbs shed quickly and before I knew it i was left with only 10lbs until i was back at my pre-pregnancy weight.  And i knew that would come off when i started working out again.  But I was in no hurry.  Sure, i miss working out, and doing yoga regularly. but I wasn't going to kill myself to start back up.  managing time with an infant, full time work, a house, a husband, and a dog is no easy task.  i still haven't found time to work in regular exercise, besides going for walks, and I'm 7 months postpartum.

However, here's the point-

I told myself when I was cleared for all activity at my 6 week check-up that it takes 9 months to make a human and I was going to give myself the grace of 9 months postpartum to not worry about "bouncing back" (which isn't even a thing).  It's more like grace to accept my new body.  Learn how it moves and responds now, and gradually re-introduce rigorous workouts. I knew I would be starting at square one, so i really was in no rush.  And i'm so much more interested in spending all my time with her right now.  She's changing at a rapid pace and i don't want to miss a thing.

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