Thursday, January 14, 2021


Written 10-1-2020 

I just hit send on an inquiry for therapy.

I woke up this morning tight-chested, and distracted.

I'm not generally an anxious person, but certainly not immune to anxiety.  I can recognize it and I know ways to try and stop it.

There are a lot of things happening in life right now, throw a pandemic on top and it's recipe for a perfect storm.  It's bound to explode.  I'm literally waiting for it all to just burst wide open.  For me to just burst wide open.

Our sweet Evie Mae has recently been diagnosed with autoimmune Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.  We noticed swelling and weakness of her left knee about 4 months ago.  After multiple appointments and tests to rule out other issues, this is where we are at.  We're fortunate that it is only one joint (so far) and that she is responding well to the medicines she has been on.  It's basically a waiting game now and is proving to be a long process to get things managed.

It's hard.  I can't say I've had a chance to process because I've been advocating and researching and doing what I need to do to get my girl the care she needs.

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