Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The Christmas spirit has failed to infiltrate my soul this holiday season.  I have a hunch that it has a lot to do with Retail

Engage rant....

Retail sucks.  There is nothing enjoyable about working the holiday season in retail.  People are rude, impatient, and ornery.  The list of things I WISH I could say to people without losing my job is a mile long.  I sure wish people would realize how much more difficult their shopping excursions would be without the 'People of Retail'.  We are saints really, going above and beyond, throwing on a fake smile and speaking in a cliched 'happy' voice all to try and make their shopping experience more enjoyable.  NEWSFLASH:  IT WOULD BE MORE ENJOYABLE IF YOU WOULD CHEER THE EFF UP!
Calgon, Take me to WhoVille :)

Ok, I'm done :)

Anyways, I'm still not done with finals and I have one more day of work, equating to no Christmas spirit.  I have tried listening to Christmas tunes on the radio and it makes me want to vomit (but I do enjoy the tree being lit up and my Christmas candles), and present wrapping was dreadful, and the shopping was nothing short of annoying.  I'm hoping for some real magic at about 12 noon on Thursday...

I have been slacking on my 25 Days of Things I Love and I have had a lot on my mind and a lot to write about, so I'm hoping this short, imageless post will renew my motivation to study.

Days 7-20

Home is where the heart is <3 and creating a home is even better

I love logic- emotion is messy (pardon my rant above)



My Birthday

Family time


The future

Those black and white keys (I need to clean off the dust)

New life and experienced life- so much to learn



My new couch

Midnight walks with my Boy and Pooch

I have much more to write about, but its not as pressing.  Thursday if you're lucky ;)

Merry Christmas!  (see, I'm trying)

Monday, December 5, 2011

25 Days of Things I Love

 Days 1-6

I love being crafty

Baking (S'mores bars.... oh man) 

Silly Doggies

Front wheel drive (although I will miss the "Charge!" attitude of my ol' Tank)

The 'real life snow-globe' atmosphere

The smell of Christmas (thank goodness it has been captured in a candle)

Stay tuned....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Always a day late...

and a dollar short....

It's been far too long.  Fall has come and gone (sort of- the weather is wacky here) and it is nearly Christmas!  I always seem to be at a loss for words.  But, I have been busy.  I've learned to crochet (pictures soon, I promise), been busy with school, survived black friday another year, attempted to conquer the daunting task of gift shopping, yelled at the TV every time a damned Target commercial comes on...

But, I am SO happy!

Thanksgiving was beautiful and delicious.  I found myself being truly thankful for more than just family and friends and my health and having all the things I want and need- the important things to be thankful for of course, yet slightly generic- or "this is what I say every year, along with everyone else at the table"

This year, I am grateful for Opportunity.  I have been given the opportunity to work hard and live life the way I want to.  I've had the opportunity to go to school and finally have found what I am passionate about.  And lastly, I am thankful for finding Love- it's extraordinary, and rare to find the real thing (and know you've found it).  I heard a beautiful thing the other day (at yoga- which is not for me, I quickly learned this as my joints screamed at me) and it really stuck with me.  Every moment is the ONLY moment.  Our lives are made up of moments, yet we often forget.  These precious moments turn into appointments, dates, time frames and meetings.  Once they're gone, there is no turning back- they're gone.  Many of us are so blessed, we often take things for granted.  It's not on purpose either, we are human we just forget sometimes.  Those times are the moments we lose opportunities to really appreciate what each little one has to offer.

Well I just wanted you to know I hadn't forgotten about you, this is all for now!

Check out the art section for food, art and crafty things I have time for occasionally :)

Looking forward to filling our house with Christmas...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Setting Up"

I'm calling it a Quarter-life crisis.....

My mind is so stuck on getting older and going from childhood to adulthood... Lots-a changes comin'.  I'm realizing all these things I want in life, but unfortunately they aren't realistic.  I want a life that doesn't revolve around just a job- I wish a career would magically fall into my lap (now that's something my life can revolve around).  I want a life that is simple and uninhibited.  I was thinking today about Barbies and a child's imagination.  I had the strong desire to play with little kids today.  I long for their naive outlook on life... they live in this sweet little bubble unaffected by reality.  Their creativity is so genuine and real.  If they think it and believe it- you bet it's gonna happen (even if its just in Barbie's dream house).  I wish my mind wasn't so plagued by reality and could return to the land of princesses and dragons.

I remember lugging my bins of Barbies and accessories from the basement to the front porch- once upon a time when summer wasn't filled with work and adult things.  I would spend hours on the porch just setting up a perfect world.  I never found myself actually "playing" in this perfect world, because by the time I was done setting it up, it was time for dinner or for friends to go home.  There were always promises to pick up where we left off the next day, but we always knew we would do it all over again and spend the day "setting up".

I don't think we realize it, but we spend a lot of our lives "setting up".  Our time is so fleeting and precious, yet we waste it and rush it away.  It blows my mind how many people are, in my eyes, rushing to get to the next step in life; whether it's marriage, babies, or other crazy things (and that's in no particular order...).  SLOW DOWN!  Did you happen to notice the leaves have changed colors yet again?  Or the ethereal clouds passing in front of the full moon at dusk?  It's all pretty amazing and will be gone before we know it.  No more "setting up", it's time to start "playing" this life and living the great fairy tale we've spent so much time thinking about.

It's been awhile... I have been lacking in ways to articulate the thoughts in my head.  The last few weeks have been lovely though.....

The leaves were falling all around us, so we stood there for awhile

Oh, it was grand!

Until we meet again.....

Friday, September 23, 2011


It's Friday again.....We have a love/hate relationship.  I am much more in love with the weekdays than I am with the weekends.  This week was simply amazing.  Monday I had to force myself into getting the week started, once it got going though- WOW!  It was just one thing after another!

Monday night I created something pretty neat-o.  Melted crayons baby.

Tuesday was good too... Learned how to develop film the old fashioned way (I guess film and old-fashioned go together like PB&J)!  I also sold the Volvo Tuesday.... It's gone!  Oh, and I got 100% on a quiz; and yes, after 17 years of school (that about knocked me out of my chair! Holy smokes Batman!) it's still just as exciting as the first one.

 Wednesday I woke to a puppy who thought the flash was too bright

Spent some quality time with my Pa in the evening, always cherished.  Thursday was busy, busy!  I'm pretty sure I went non-stop all day! I developed film and it was a day full of my wonderful grandparents.

(832, This is what happens....Obsessed)

So, let's talk a little about obsessions, or maybe addictions.  The ever changing Facebook sent people into a tailspin this week.  Even I am a little miffed with the changes, it has gotten a wee bit confusing- not to mention creepy (like "every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you..." creepy.  Thanks Sting).  Goes to show, I may have hit bottom.  My name is Sara and I am addicted to Facebook (1st step).  You would think that people might give up on an obsession or addiction once it gets so bad that it's no longer enjoyable... but then it wouldn't be a problem. 

I have to say though, Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with old friends (and new for that matter- really breaks the ice) and family since no one writes letters or calls people anymore (heaven for bid).  

Anyways- I don't even like Facebook anymore!  It has gotten much too complicated... but get ready kids- there is a new hot-shot in town.  Google+ is the new Facebook, just like Wine is the new Black.  It's open to the public and before we know it, poor little Facebook is going to take a backseat just like Myspace (or is it my____ now?) did about 5 years ago.  As one door of obsession closes another one opens!

Off to feed the social networking monster inside of me!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Crazy Life

A week ago, it rained so hard we raced paper boats down the river (aka our street).  It rained so hard the basement flooded.... And boy, that sure set the tone for my week!

It's pretty bad when the week days are more exciting than the weekends.  I have fallen back into this awful routine of school 4 days a week, and the other three are filled with work and then it starts all over again.  It's pretty gross.  The little things are so bittersweet- I always want them to last longer than there is time for.  They are few and far between, but the little things were good this week.

The rained prevented the planned sailing adventure my dad and I had anticipated on Wednesday.  Instead, we went out to dinner and he shared his knowledge of photography with me.  I always learn a lot when we are together.

Not a whole lot went on the rest of the week.  The days came and went- the weekend was a real bitch and I am SO glad it is over.  I have to say though, Saturday night was the silver lining.

The evening began with hot dogs and a calm breeze.  I was with my two favorite Guys and my favorite puppy, and I was pretty sure it couldn't get any better.  Oh, was I wrong!

We set our sails and before we knew it, the wind shifted 180 degrees and we were flying!  The waves picked up right along with the wind and we sailed long into the night.  Senses were heightened and the stars were "turned up" all the way.  We watched the sun set and the horizon turned to a dark silhouette.  It was so calming and beautiful.  Everything was put on hold and for those few hours, nothing mattered.  Work, school and all the other things were put on the back burner.  We were living in the moment and it was wonderful.

Sailing calms me completely, it renews my outlook on things and realigns my thinking for the week to come.  Sailing on a weekly basis is necessary for my soul.

Izzy loves a good sail (she even enjoys her life jacket!)

I love sharing the things I love with the people I love.  When you go sailing, you can't be worried about time.  The wind is in control- time is not relative to sailing.  My Guy is very schedule oriented- it's a good thing.  But getting him to go sailing is like pulling teeth because there is no schedule.  

He told me after our sail on Saturday that he is "becoming a sailor"....He has no clue what hearing that meant.  

There is lots to accomplish this week, trying to slip in as many "little things" as possible.

Have a good week and keep smiling!

Friday, September 9, 2011

10 years

10 years ago I was in the 7th grade, sitting in Choir class.  I was twelve and had no clue what the word "Retaliation" meant.  I remember that was all kids were saying, "We are going to retaliate, aren't we?" and "We have to retaliate!".  They wouldn't turn on the TV, but I remember parents rushing in to pick up their children and hurry home.  They cancelled school for the rest of day.  I remember going home and watching it over and over and over again on the television, it flooded the networks (kind of like an election- only way worse).  One plane after another, one attack after another.  10 years ago, I learned what a terrorist was.  

Today, I was in the right place at the right time.  As I listened to the radio on my way to work, I heard my favorite morning show talking about a memorial they were hosting right in Royal Oak this very morning; they were letting go a single balloon for every person that lost their life on September 11, 2001.  As I pulled up to the stop light at 13 mile and Coolidge highway (right where the park is that they were broadcasting from), I was fortunate enough to see 3,000 red, white, and blue balloons being released into the sky, in memory of those who were taken too soon.  I felt a rush of sadness and pride, and I couldn't contain the tears (partially why I don't have a picture to show you).  It's hard to believe that it has already been 10 years.  My heart goes out to the families and friends who lost dear ones on that horrible day.

But... We are so very lucky to live in the country we live in.  Despite it's downfalls and shortcomings (which we all have, as individuals or as a unit), we have so many opportunities and are so fortunate to have the freedom and equalities that we have.  There is no other Country that knows how to come together like we do.  And it's not retaliation- for the past 10 years we have been protecting what is rightfully ours.

To all the selfless men and women fighting for us- Thank You!

All 3,000 and those still fighting today, they will never be forgotten.  I sure am glad I was stopped at the stop light at 9:40am this morning.

Where were you 10 years ago on September 11th?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Right Direction

Everything happens for a reason, right?  I think so, but do you ever wonder what things would be like if you had done something different, stayed in a different place?  I look back and think of all the things that wouldn't have happened or all the people I wouldn't have met if I had chosen a different direction.  That darn "what if" gets the best of me sometimes.  

Remember that "these are the best years of your life!" speech?  So wrong, so very wrong.  So many things are changing!  It's not all rainbows and butterflies- that's for sure!  Friends are changing, people are starting their own lives- these are the years where you start to lose touch with people, believe it or not.  And it's freaking me out!  But, then I think about all the great things that are changing in my life too, and how happy I am with all these new and exciting adventures that are ahead of me.

Change- she can be a real bitch sometimes!  


Saturday was a glorious day sailing with my dad and a good friend.  The waves were rolling and the wind was blowing hard.  There was a squall watch... and the fear almost sent us back to the docks early...

Absolutely Marvelous, isn't it?

We kicked that fear overboard and stayed out longer.  That was the best decision we made all day.  There is nothing more peaceful than being out on the water, gliding across the lake as the sun beams from behind the building storm clouds- the calm before the storm in its true context.  We made it in to the docks just as the rain began- But that was only the beginning.

The ride home was unbelievable.  I have never, in my 23 years of life, experienced that kind of driving rain!  It was a 'stopped on the expressway because I couldn't see the car in front of me' kind of rain.  My adrenaline was pumping, my legs were shaking and all I could say was "Holy Cow" over and over.  It was more exciting and powerful than it was scary.  We watched the lightning shoot around the sky from the top of the bridge we were stuck on, and then it was dark.  The power went out.  It was one thing after another- we were caught in the thick of it and it was so awesome! Mother nature is one cool woman!

The rain has arrived, just as it does every fall.  The cool air is incredible, I refuse to close the windows just yet.  You can be sure as the sun rises and sets everyday that this good old Mitten will surprise us one last time with some hot, humid weather.

Busy weekend ahead of me, lots of work and school work.  Can't wait for Sunday Funday!  I'll have lots of pictures for you too!

Crackin' a beer and relaxing with my Loves, have a good weekend everyone!!


Izzy insisted on being included in this post- Her debut Photo. 
Happy Weekend- Woof, Woof!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It's unfortunate that I usually have my best thoughts while driving and showering... My mother always told me not to blog and drive or shower with electronics.  By the time I'm ready to sit down and compose- woosh, gone.  

Today was my first day of school for the year.  I hate the first day of school, everyone is awkward and quiet; and the worst is the whole 'first impression' thing (which is commonly false).  It takes me a while to get comfortable, ya know, to open up and be my silly, real self; and then it's the last day of class.  Just my luck.  

I love fall and all the changes that come with it.  Every year I reacquaint myself with the wonderful smells and sounds that accompany Autumn.  I love the warmth during the day with the hint of a cool breeze and watching the crunchy leaves dance in the streets.  It's what I like to call Comfort weather.  

(More pictures from now on, I promise :) )

I love the clouds too.  They change from white and wispy, to heavy and grey.  And the trees, well you know... Pure beauty.

On a side note, I have a lot of great things going for me right now.  I haven't counted, but I'm pretty sure they out-weigh the bad.  And who wants to waste their life worrying about money and other burdens anyways?  Embrace the good stuff, man!

Hey, it is almost Labor Day weekend- Have a good one! 


Today, I am thankful: that I am still small enough to rest my head on my mom's shoulder when I get a hug and that I am still small enough that I have to wrap my arms around my dad's waist when I want a hug. Hugs are way better that way...

Monday, August 29, 2011


Stress has been high lately.  I woke up Sunday with knots in my shoulders and worried.  I needed to pray and I needed others to pray too.  I haven't been very diligent the last few years about going to church- but I still have my faith.  I said a little prayer before getting up and texting my mom to ask her to pray too.  

And this is what happened...

My mom received the text while at church and she just happened to be sitting next to a family friend who is a lawyer; she handles the exact kind of lawsuits that I was preparing to deal with (creating all this stress).  They prayed together and asked for certain people to have a change of heart and for everything to work out.  Around the same time the prayers are being prayed, I'm getting text messages, and hearts are being changed.  It's the power of prayer, baby.  Next thing we know, we have people contacting us about the rooms we have for rent (another cause of stress).  As my mom and I were connecting our stories on my drive home from work, I had chills- How cool!  God works in amazing ways.

God is good and things are looking up.

I cleaned like a mad woman last night and have been running around all day preparing for school.  Off to shop for some Rubbermaid bins to further my organization binge.


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Over filled my gas tank today (apparently $.50 does make a difference).  Slightly afraid of blowing up from the gas that spewed everywhere, I ran inside to ask for paper towel; the guy gave me one piece- not going to do the job, buddy... So I laughed and was reminded of a time in the wee hours of the morning when Little Brother power-puked all over his room.  Mother yelled for help and Father came to the rescue with one square of toilet paper (this is not an understatement).

Anyways... (you will find that my mind works in similar fashion to the book If You Give A Mouse A Cookie....)

I've had a few things on my mind lately but I haven't been sure of how to write about them.  I love listening and learning from my grandparents. They have seen so much during their lifetime and have so much knowledge to share.  I can only hope that I know and experience as much as they have.  Tonight, my fabulous Grandmother hit the nail on the head- "When we judge someone, it doesn't define them; it defines us".  We are all guilty of gossip and casting judgement; I hate to say it- but it's human nature.  It is so difficult sometimes to 'treat others the way you would want to be treated'.  Wouldn't it be nice, if before saying something negative about someone or judging them, we put ourselves in their shoes and thought about what kind of impact our words were going to have and how you would feel?  This would be a different world if we 'thought backwards' and tried on some different shoes every now and then.

I know I often find myself wishing I wouldn't have said things behind someone's back, in fear that what if someday it was me that people were saying things about.  But it's always too late, I've already said it.  Sometimes it just spews out.  I'm going to try harder though, I really am.  No more of this "he said, she said" crap.  If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all!  Who's with me?

I hope this has been a valid rant.

"Keep your nose clean and don't steal any wooden nickels" (Thanks Gramps)

Sweet Dreams

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone" -Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Getting Started....

 After much contemplation and gathering insight from other's blogs, I have finally mustered enough courage to start my own.  I'll have to be honest, I have no clue what this will contain or expose.  My vision is for a lot of photos and ideas and thoughts!  I am constantly inspired by the creativity of others and motivated by the way people think about and do things.

I knew this would happen- Start a blog and lose my words.

I hope you'll find I have good things to say and share!